Thursday, 8 April 2010

I don't know what this is. I think it is some kind of a queer dog. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. Hahaha the description made me laugh man :P Not too bad dude! I think you can pop the form out more around the top of the head, you can make it turn more so we are following the skull behind the head. Turn the image black n white and it might be more apparent to see cause the values r too close together. The shadows are looking much better in this piece. Its good that u varied the temperature convincingly here rather than just use a darker colour of the body. I think the eyes are looking flat though. Remember that the eye is a sphere (or sphere-ish :P) but its wrapped up under the eye lids so they can cast a shadow . You put in shadows from the eye lids but its looking flat and u can have it wrap the form more.and the harsh blacks in the eyes and the whites makes it look too graphic. It just needs more subtle variation in the values. Good going!

  2. Thanks man!! I started only doing it as a quick sketch. It wasn t supposed to go anywhere in the first place and that s how it got to... this. But yes, I agree with you. I felt much better with some bits of it. What I liked more was that I seem to have a better sense of what I'm doing. I don t feel so lost and without a process to work on. I definitelly agree with what you say about the forms. I have to work on that. Sometimes I know how I would like it look like in terms of 3D but I just don't know what to do. I think I need to experiment more, doing something that our buddy Matt told me which is 'don't fall in love with your drawing and don't be afraid to mess it up'. I think I start to see what he meant.
    Thanks a lot for the feedback Ben.
