Friday, 1 October 2010

Here's the first from the next hundred. Karaté Time!!


  1. Very nice dude! Loving the hands!!!!! Theyre very well done and usually a bitch to do but you pulled it off well. I think you can add little shades of colour into that white gi. Even though it is white in colour nothing in real life is ever just one shade of colour. If your light source is warm add a cool shadow (blue for example). Keep it up mofo!

  2. Thanks Ben! About the hands, I have to say I used some reference, but hey, at least this time they look nice :D. About the colour in the gi, I thought about that, but then I wanted to try (to see how it would feel) to create an area with no colour whatsoever in the middle to bring out more the 'reddish' of the red colour around. But looking at it now, I agree that I should have gone with the colour option. Still, I really like it. Thanks for your critic Brother Of Metal!! :) ROCK ON!

  3. Using reference is great dude! Some people give off the impression that using reference isnt good but WFT?!?!?!?! I swear that reference is great if anything! Its why the old masters use it and Jon Foster (one of my favorite artists swears by it). Without reference especially in the beginning (where your visual library isnt built as built up) you make a lot of assumptions that you can easily fall into for a long time. Reference helps you to observe and also helps to inform your work and add to your visual library. So keep using it dude. I do for almost every painting I do.
    Im glad to see some colour and tints in the shadows under inside the sleeves. Thats the way baby! I am liking this one indeed!

  4. Cool man! I'm glad you like it! To be honest I think I like it a lot too. but I think it helps me a lot when I feel inspired from life and I guess that's whats been happening with the last few. Have to keep it going!

  5. Definately! Its very very good to have an intent behind an invention. Or a particular mood, atmosphere or theme you want to capture after you experienced it in life.
